As I write, it is 12:16pm on Wednesday night. I just got my power back on at my house around 30 minutes ago. Before I write anything else, let me just say how very blessed I am. It could have been so much worse.
Let me go back to Monday. We weren't sure what time the hurricane was going to come through. Sunday I picked up my yard and prepared. I was sort of afraid to go to sleep Sunday night. Monday morning I woke up and it was just raining, no problem. I wanted to sleep longer but I also knew I needed to get up and get dressed. I wanted to be dressed in case something happened and I needed to run outside. Around 1 in the afternoon Monday, my power went out. No biggie, just a few hours hahaha. After 1, the winds started to pick up. I was sitting in my den for a while and heard this loud boom. I looked out back and out front but I didn't see anything. I kept seeing my neighbor across the street go to her door. I ran outside only to see that a huge tree had fallen across two of my neighbors houses. That was the picture from my last entry I think. Winds were just a swirling and we were all outside. I came back in, soaked, and went and sat on my bed looking out my bedroom window into the back yard. I heard creaking and watched a tree in my next door neighbors house fall but thankfully just into her backyard. All of the fences in the back fell. Stats: wind of 64MPH for 4 hours with gusts of 91. It was pretty wicked. When things settled down Monday, mom and I went to check on the store. I am not going to expand on that tonight. We just came home and bathed and went to bed. The temp outside wasn't bad on Monday and it was still raining so my house was really pretty cool.
Tuesday morning we got up, still no power. I was really surprised because I can see the power station from my house. We were asked to not be on the road but there were so many people out. I got word Home Depot was opening at noon so I arrived around 11:20. There was a line all the way around the parking lot. My mom's neighbor went with me. He got a generator and I got tarps. They only let 10 people in the store at a time. Oh, HD is in Denham where my store is and we all had power there. I spent most of the day doing that, then Ryans was open to cook some of their food before it spoiled, so I went to get my grandmother and we went there to eat a hot meal. I came home and worked cleaning debris in my yard. We had some curfews to work around. Denhams curfew is 6 and East Baton Rouge's curfew is 8. When it got dark, I again went inside in the dark, took a shower and got in bed. My house was getting hot but not unbearable. It was just so dark. No lights except the fire station by my house has huge generators so I could see that light. At night it was so strange. Pitch black and quiet except for generator motors.
Today, I again got up and went to the shop. I drove around a lot today and took pics. It is so devastated. Again, I have so so much to be thankful for. It could have been so much worse. Very few stores are open because nobody has power. The stores that are open, open very few hours and just let a few people in at a time. We have to buy everything with cash. No credit cards. The highlight of my day was going two exits down the interstate to get a coke with ice.
Tomorrow I am going to try to be open. I still haven't heard from my landlord so I am going to try to get in touch with her again. I will start doing something at the store, not sure what. We will have to pretty much gut it and start from scratch. Again, it could be so much worse. I am pretty tired now. I am keyed up but after working in my yard for two days I am physically exhausted. I still have about half of my back yard to clean and I will be all done. I just need to find someone to put a tarp on my roof where the branch went through. I have lots of pictures for another post.